2022 GRADE A MOVIES / Enneagram Type Nine "Peacekeeper" / Enneagram: Type Three "Achiever"
IT’S HALLMARK, JUST BETTER I had a lot of fun watching Marry Me. It kept popping up in my Amazon feed, and I finally told myself, “Okay, it can’t be that bad….” And, to my great satisfaction, it wasn’t! Marry Me stars Jennifer Lopez and Owen Wilson in a romantic […]
2021 GRADE A MOVIES / Enneagram Type Nine "Peacekeeper"
Shang-Chi is a great movie from beginning to end, safe for the kids to watch, and in my opinion, one of the best movies of the MCU. Why is it so great? Well, you’ll have to keep reading to find that out, or – if you’re lazy, you can just […]
Enneagram Type Nine "Peacekeeper"
WHAT’S UNDER THE HOOD The engine that powers a Type Nine is nothing too loud, because it might upset the neighbors, and nothing too powerful to test the limits of safety. Their motor is reliable and effecient. Is it a game-changer? It could be, but you won’t know it. THEIR […]
2019 GRADE D-F MOVIES / Enneagram Type Nine "Peacekeeper" / Enneagram: Type Eight "Challenger" / MAVERICK REVIEWS
I don’t watch a lot of Netflix movies. In my opinion, streaming flics are too slow, too boring, and some – downright too cheesy. But when the Irishman made headlines as “One of this year’s best movies,” I had to take look and see what this Netflix film was all […]