To make things a bit easy on the imagination, let’s use a car to explain what a Type One personality will look like.
When you steal a peek at the engine of a Type One, you’ll see an engine block, alternator, and battery, that is perfectly clean. Wires that are perfectly cut. Next to the perfect engine, you’ll find a big compartment filled with rulebooks, a referee whistle, maybe a soapbox, and possibly a megaphone. Oh yeah, I can’t forget the much-needed pointer stick which comes in handy – to point out whatever you’ve been doing wrong with your life, what’s wrong with the world, and how you can pick up after yourself in the morning.
If you’re thinking a Type One can be a bit Anal Retentive you pretty much hit the nail on the head. When they are not their best, they can be the most judgemental, irritating, and self-righteous people that you’ve ever met.
But – wait for it – When they are at their best, they are the ones, the friends, the family members, the leaders in our community, that keep us on the path of the straight and narrow. They can be the ones that help others kick drug habits, lead communities to reform their neighborhoods, and change society for the better.
- Self-righteous, morally driven
- moral driven does not mean they are correct, it just means they have a moral code
- Can be anal-retentive, picky
- Is very argumentive, and willing to engage in a debate, especially when it comes down to moral issues
- Often lives their life in a box of rules, and wants you to join them.
- They love to preach, more so lecture or scold, from the soapbox, podium, Twitter, you name it
Type Ones are driven to correct the wrongs. They are in their own definition, superheroes, rescuers; saving others from the evils and sins that plague the world.
Ones typically draw a line in the sand and choose the side that they feel is righteous. Their greatest fear is sin, and this doesn’t have anything to do with religion. They just fear being on the wrong side of the argument, story, or moral. And this fear of immorality applies not only to themselves, but to you, and the world.
When a Type One is triggered, they immediately want to correct what’s wrong by taking up a debate – or arguing their moral righteousness.
Law and order are very important to a Type One, so many who work in law enforcement positions fit the ticket – after they’ve written the ticket. Ministers, in particular, are usually of this personality.
Notable politicians are as follows:
President Donald Trump wants to Make America Great Again.
Senator Rand Paul wants to abolish the Federal Reserve and tax code.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants the Green New Deal.
Bernie Sanders is a proud Democratic Socialist.
It’s important to note here, that while you may agree or disagree with their politicals views, that is not the point. We are talking about personality types. And while each of these individuals fiercely disagrees with each other, they are strikingly similar in the way they operate. They each have their own code that serves as their foundation of operation, and they want to Reform society in their view. Not one of them, are truly loyal to their party beliefs. And all of them believe that their cause is greater than their life.
By the way, Edward Snowden is most likely a Type One as well!
The male lion of a pride as they set the tone and the rules. They defend their territory and decide who in their pride stays and who goes. Yes, Mufasa was a Type One!
Captain America, Splinter and Leonardo (from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles), The Punisher, Optimus Prime, Batman, Daredevil, are all Type Ones. Yes, that compulsive need to reform is essential to a Superhero. One can argue, that all Superheros have a bit of Type One in them, but remember, not all of them are of this personality type.
Without Type Ones there would be no law and order and the world would plunge into complete anarchy. They are not the party animals but the designated drivers, the un-fun personalities that say you had one too many, or the neighbors who call the cops for disturbing the peace. Ones can view themselves as parents of the world, because they think, they morally know better – and they may possibly have a point.
You hate them, because who really loves referees, right? But deep down inside, you know you need them. Just how enjoyable would professional sports be without rules?
Type Ones can function both as leaders or followers. If they do find themselves in leadership positions, it’s usually because they feel as though they’ve been called to that podium by a cause or higher power, or they may feel it’s the only option to take to get things done the way they want it done, instead of standing on the sidelines.
An average personality is always a walking contradiction. They can be both healthy and unhealthy, at the same time.
In the case of the Type One Reformer, they can be both an inspiring leader and a compulsive complainer – at the same time. So, Average Ones are what you may already expect. Passionate about what they believe in and working for the greater good – then willing to give their opinion on almost anything, and willing to debate their point rather passionately – aka argumentatively.
Average Ones do love to complain, point out flaws, and to correct anyone or anything that they feel is out of place. In their mind, this is for the greater good, maybe even greater for you. In many instances, they may compulsively correct the ones they care about the most, which ironically pushes that person away.
Type Ones tend to love arguing to get their point across. They love the debate. Their ego feeds off the opportunity to change your minds and mold you into the person they are. They can be rather metaphoric with their words, which may lead you to believe they are Type Four “Individual.” But Type Fours dislike debates, or being challenged as they are introverts – and Type Ones are definitely not introverts.
Ironically, even though Type Ones can be rather metaphoric, even with their insults, they triggered by metaphoric forms of thinking.
Here’s something important to note:
A Triggered Type One will bounce back to their average or healthy version of themselves, after they cool down. A Triggered Type One’s trip to the unhealthy portion of their personality is only temporary. They are just emotionally triggered. It’s not permanent. A triggered Reformer will argue with you, maybe even quite passionately, but that argument won’t last long.
An Unhealthy Type One doesn’t bounce back. It is their foundation and it will take effort, maturation, and realization for them to pull themselves out of that funk. An Unhealthy Type one will find it very difficult to forgive, or to look past, the actions of others, that they disagree with.
There is a saying that we become exactly what we fear, and this rule applies quite well to all personality types on the Enneagram. In the case of the Type One Reformer, when they are not at their best, they become their unique version of a Type Four Individualist.
This personality will become reserved, isolated, living in a box because society is just too irritating for them to deal with. The Unhealthy Type One will be very stubborn and uncompromising. They can lose their sense of direction, judging everything and everyone critically. The lines between reality and imagination, disappear, and they can get pulled deep into metaphoric rule thinking (ironically), and will become too argumentive to entertain any idea, that would help pull them back into the real world.
The Unhealthy Type One may also act like an unhealthy Type Four, not knowing where they belong in society. When the Type One fails in many of their arguments or watches their moral code disintegrate in front of them, instead of readjusting, they may feel as though they don’t have a purpose.
Unhealthy fictional versions of a Type One? Think Batman from Superman Vs. Batman. Or even the Punisher!
Type Ones have an uncanny ability to be happy, doing the same thing over and over again. Going to the same restaurant, having the same routine, even repeatedly watching the same movie. It doesn’t bore them. They don’t require change. Their super-ego is fine living life within their set rules.
For a Type One to grow, it takes a very strong personal effort to break down their walls so they can entertain the mysteries of life. The Type One must take on part of the positive personality traits of a Type Seven Enthusiast, which means letting go and living out of the box. Many times, more often than not, A Type One may need someone to literally pull them out of that box and through that wall.
For a Type One to be healthy, or at least more approachable, must embrace their neighboring personality, the Type Nine Peacekeeper. Neighboring personalities are called “WINGS” and they give new meaning to being a well-rounded person. More often than not, it is best for most personalities to embrace their neighboring personality types, aka their wings.
Peacekeepers, by nature, are not confrontational. They have a natural ability to settle arguments without intense debates, which is very foreign to a Type One. Type Ones will always have a tendency to be argumentive and confrontational, that’s just who they are. But if they embrace the traits of the Type Nine, they will at the very least, attempt to listen and hold their tongue, and possibly have a decent exchange of ideas, rather than fierce debate.
Embracing characteristics of a healthy Type Seven will also open their mind to new opinions and experiences.
Even when a Type One is very healthy, many times, their steadfast commitment to their moral code holds them back from making the right decision. For example, in the movies, Batman continuously refused to end the Joker’s life (which was the right choice), no matter how many people he killed – even when the Joker killed the woman he loved. Or in Cast Away, Chuck Noland (Tom Hanks) refused to open the FedEx Box when he was stranded on an island. Who knows what could have been in that box. In politics, we often see Republican politicians more often than Democrats, fighting with each other, to the point where they don’t accomplish anything when they have the majority – morality again, trumps making the right choice.
Healthy Type Ones often look and sound like Type Sevens. When they are unhealthy, they may be mischaracterized as Type Fours. But even if they walk like a duck and quack like a duck, they’re not a duck. Seven’s don’t hold law and order as a priority in their life. And Fours think much more metaphorically, and out of context, than a One.
Type Ones often are mischaracterized as a Type Eight because they can be compulsive debaters who push people’s buttons. But Eight’s operate from a stance of power rather than righteousness. A Type One is more likely to discuss and reason their point of view, unlike an aType Eight, who will use intimidation to make you change their mind, much like a drill sergeant. Also, Ones tend to follow the rule of law, unlike Eights, who will compulsively cross all lines because it gives them a thrill, or they just don’t care. (Think Deadpool)
A quick example? Captain America is a Type One versus Wolverine, who is a Type Eight.
Type One Reformers are great at correcting mistakes and are superb troubleshooters. They will make sure projects stay within their boundaries and don’t go over budget. They will have an uncanny ability to tell & spot what’s right and what’s wrong. And if you have rules to follow, they won’t break them.
You will either love or hate working with Type Ones, and that really depends on their open-mindedness, and whether or not you agree with their code of honor. You’re not going to like them if your morals don’t match with theirs.
In teams, they tend to naturally gravitate towards the top if they feel the circumstances are ideal for them to contribute something special. If not, they will comfortable being a loyal worker bee.
Unhealthy Type One personalities in teams are a pain to work with. It is either their way or the highway, and they can split a team straight down the middle if you’re not careful.
Since you haven’t memorized the Enneagram at this point, as I compare personality types to each other, you may become a bit lost.
That’s okay.
After you’re done learning about all nine main personality types, revisit the pages again and everything will make more sense!
Now, onto the next personality! The TYPE TWO HELPER! Click here to go there now!