Full disclosure.
I am in NO WAY, a professional Hollywood screenwriter of any form. I left that life a long time ago. I’m an independent screenwriter, but more importantly, an entrepreneur who continues to use the art of story, to communicate my ideas effectively.
My name is Steven Young, and I am a businessman who owns and operates a full-service wedding business called Dream Weddings Hawaii. If you’re wondering how old I am; I’m 41 going on 43, but given the day of the week, and the right amount of soft lighting, I could look 40!
I did have a taste of the professional world of screenwriting early in my life. I had one toe holding open that Hollywood door, had an agent, and I had semi-opportunities. But a couple of years in, I didn’t like what I saw and opted to go in a different direction. Let’s just say that I don’t have a high opinion for Hollywood.
Now – Although I said
If I didn’t yell it from the mountain tops yet, let me yell it right now that, “Story is much more than writing a script. It’s much more than writing a novel. It’s the way we humans communicate.”
Mastering this art may not just make you the next bestseller, but it’ll make you a better human being, better at almost everything.
In my personal timeline, not the one on Facebook, knowing how to craft a story has helped me learn skills faster, run a business better, how to spot liars, and distinguish opportunities from over the horizon. And being a great storyteller has made me a pretty entertaining guy!
Yeah, and if you’re wondering. I’m still working in the entertainment industry, just not with Hollywood. I’ll let you know what I’m doing as I can.
This website has a lot of wheels to it, but everything here revolves around the art of story.
Here is what you’ll find:
- MOVIE REVIEWS – Current movie reviews suck. God, they suck. Mine won’t disappoint, I promise. I’ll cut straight to the point without summarizing the entire damn thing. And if you read my Maverick reviews, you’ll learn why movies work.
- SCREENWRITING/STORYTELLING CURRICULUM – If you want to learn about storytelling, you’ve come to the right place. I invented a method I call the Maverick Storytelling Method that flies in the face of conventional storytelling wisdom. Its curriculum primarily focuses on learning about human behavior first, before diving into the world of storytelling. Quite different? Right? Oh yeah, it’s also free-ninety-nine!
- STORY ANALYSIS – Bad storytelling isn’t limited to bad movies, books, or tv shows. It’s everywhere. Telephone scams to dishonest agenda-driven journalism. Lately, sports journalism has been really getting on my nerves. I’ll dissect anything that I feel needs story analyzing from movies to politics, even science – nothing is off the table.
- MY PODCAST – It’s called “BBQ to Movies” and it’s about everything. I love BBQ, by the way, and movies. Saturday’s topic is reserved 100% for screenwriting.
- MY FICTIONAL WORK – I love to write. It’s a hobby of mine. I’m not a novelist, though. And I’m not a screenwriter anymore (but that may chance). But I like to tell stories through the script format as I think it’s the easiest to write. My scripts are not meant for the screen, so they are not screenplays. And they are written a bit more flowery than what a true screenplay should be. I call them SCRIVELLAS!
Hope you enjoy my site. There’s a little bit of everything in here for everyone I think.