This professional critic pretty much sums up the opinions of other like-minded writers:
“It’s (Lady Ballers) racist, sexist, transphobic and antisemitic, and there’s really no debating that. Anyone looking for a coherent and logical conservative point of view on transgender issues won’t find it here.”
~ John Serba of Decider
So, according to John Serba – “there’s really no debating that.“
Where have we heard the term “we can’t debate” before?
Oh, that’s right:
- We can’t debate climate change, the science is in.
- We can’t debate evolution, it’s fact, even though it’s theory.
- We also can’t debate covid or if the vaccines work, Dr. Fauci has spoken.
- We also can’t debate January 6th. It’s an insurrection, the Democrats have spoken.
- We can’t debate what a woman or a man is. The universities have determined that men can give birth.
The truth is, we can debate anything, especially movies. And in my opinion, Lady Ballers is a good movie that satirizes the current culture war in our nation.
The movie follows the story of Coach Rob Gibson, a former high school coach who has an addiction to winning. He was an all-star high school coach, but never amounted to anything more. We catch up with him years later, and although he is addicted to winning, he loses in the game of life. After learning about transgenderism, Coach Rob finds a solution to his loser lifestyle, and unapologetically decides to dominate women’s basketball – with men.
There’s a bunch-load of characters in Lady Ballers, way too many to dive into, but I’ll touch upon the ones that count. Overall, the characters were not complicated. From the beginning, you pretty much knew where they stood. All the characters were predictable, which is not an insult to this story, that’s just what it was. Predictable fun.

COACH ROB GIBSON Type Eight “Challenger”
Lady Ballers was written from the antagonist’s point of view, and Coach Rob was your all-star villain. He wasn’t that great of a father, not a great husband, and he was there to win at all costs, even if that meant overturning women’s sports.
Coach Rob is your stereotypical Type Eight “Challenger.” When faced with conflict, his first reaction isn’t to cower, retreat to his man cave, work on his image, or write in a journal. Like Billy Ocean said, “When the Going gets though, the tough get going.” And in this case, Rob got going. It’s just that his going involved winning at women’s basketball.

FELIX AND ALEX, the possible Transgenders on the team.
Out of the five players on the Lady Ballers, these were the only two men who were confused with their gender.
Most transgenders are Type 4 “individualists.” These are individuals who always feel out of place, and are on a non-ending journey to find their authentic self. What is their authentic self? Well, for the most of us, that doesn’t make any sense. But the Four often tries on different identities like hats, and at the end of the day, they are not sure who they are. Transgenderism is just another hat.
The characters Felix and Alex are not Type Fours.
Felix was never part of the high school championship team. He was the towel boy who was treated like a second class citizen by the entire team, and Coach Rob. But nevertheless, he was still loyal to them – to a very unhealthy level. The high-school towel boy/fanboy always wanted to be part of the championship team, and would do whatever it took to be accepted, even if that mean switching genders. When Coach Rob told his reassembled high school team they would playing for the women’s championships, Felix volunteered to undergo transition surgery, even though that wasn’t the plan.
Felix is a satirical representation our modern youth who can’t think for themselves. Their personality types are of an unhealthy Type 6 “Loyalists,” or one whose greatest fear their own opinion, so they seek out rescuers who tell them what to think. In the 21st century, their rescuers are unfortunately the university system and social media.
Alex’s character looks like a healthy Type 9 “Peacekeeper.” He’s had many jobs, wasn’t successful at any of them, but still seems very content with his life. Coach Rob Gibson takes advantage of him, and Alex still doesn’t care, or stand up for himself. He welcomes transitioning as it seems it’s just an easier way for him to succeed in life.
Lady Ballers was written and directed by Jeremy Boreing (Coach Rob). Two other writers joined in on the fun: Brian Hoffman and Nick Sheehan, both who are experienced storytellers. Chances are, after working on this movie, they’ll never work in Hollywood. But, Hollywood doesn’t produce movies anymore, so it doesn’t matter. Over 90% of the films out there are produced independently of the studio system. And, Hollywood has made it a full time endeavor to reboot shows from the past, so they can ruin them with wokeness. Chances are we’re going to see yet another reboot of Batman, Spider-Man, and a DEI version of Snow White in the near future.
Lady Ballers stars most of the all-star staff of the Daily Wire. Everyone from Candace Owens, the stars of Crain and Company, Matt Walsh, Michael Knowles, Clay Travis, Ben Shapiro, to Brett Cooper, star in this show. Daniel Considine, Billy Rae Brandt, Tyler Fischer, and Lexie Contrusi, are full time actors.
They all did a great job, and that’s probably why the critics hate this movie.
It’s not poorly done, by any means. And even though this movie is a comedy, at it’s core, it isn’t satirical at all. It’s honest.
If you want to laugh, watch it.