Enneagram: Type Three "Achiever" / PERSONALITY STUDY

The Personality Type of E.Jean Carroll

Rape is a fantasy? According to E. Jean Carrol, the answer is yes.


E. Jean Carroll is a very interesting personality. What motivates her? What are her fears? What turns this woman’s gears? Let’s dive into it.

If you follow my page, you probably know that I’m a storyteller who uses the enneagram to create honest characters. However, the enneagram’s primary use is to evaluate personality types. According to its philosophy, there are at least 9 basic personality types out there, and within those 9, there are probably millions of different versions you will encounter.

In my non-humble opinion, believe E. Jean Carroll is a Type Three “Achiever,” and here’s why.

At first, I thought that Carroll would be a Type One “Reformer” based purely on her career. Type One’s love to dispense advice. They are considered by many, to be complainers. In my opinion, they are over-explainers, and if they do argue or debate, it’s more so a passionate conversation to explain how they arrived at a solution. But after reading Carroll’s “advice” column, I realized that ironically, she wasn’t dispensing advice. She was dispensing entertainment, and many times, her words were over the top, and histrionic. And it was clear that her perspective shouldn’t be taken seriously.

Serious questions were never met with a serious answer from Carroll. Did you break up with a boyfriend? Well, her advice was to take a drive and blast some music, and here was her recommended playlist. Want to get rid of a freeloader boyfriend? Order a $65 tasting menu, then when the check arrives, leave him, then ask the taxi driver to honk as you drive away!

Funny, entertaining, but not real advice.

So this is why Carroll is not a Type Two “Helper” either. She’s really not looking to help anyone at all, she’s looking to entertain.

Let’s skip three and move on to the other personality types quickly. She can’t be a Four “Invidualist,” as Carroll seems very confident in who she is. She’s not a five “intellect” because she’s extremely capable of handling a real conversation, and is not an introvert. Plus, her writing style does not match the form of an intellect. Intellects are all vocabulary, no substance. Carroll is actually an excellent communicator and a talented writer. Carroll isn’t a type six “loyalist” as she is very confident in herself, and her own opinion. People follow her, she doesn’t follow others. Can Carroll be a type seven “Enthusiast?” No. Carroll seems very well grounded and does not run away from her problems. This woman is a very very confident woman.

Is E.Jean Carroll a Type Eight “Challenger?” Now, I think one could make a case for this because she is an extremely strong Type A personality. Through her writing, you can tell that not only is she trying to be sarcastic, but powerful as well. But if E.Jean Carroll was sexually assaulted by Donald Trump, a Type 8 would not wait 29 years to press charges. A Type 8 would hit back fast, with fury, even possibly – illegally. Type 8s are extremely reactive personality types. When they are punched, they punch back fast, and hard.

And then there’s the Type 9 “Peacekeeper” which is a nice way of saying coward. E.Jean Carroll does not cower in the face of fear. That’s for sure.

So, that leaves us with the Type 3 “Achiever.”

E. Jean Carroll can definitely be considered an achiever. She was a successful writer for Elle for 29 years and was known for dispensing “great advice.” From my vantage point, she was a talented writer who wrote entertaining advice. There is still a very large debate on whether or not the questions were real. After all, what type of person would want comedic advice that would only come out 10 times a year? But nevertheless, truth or not, it doesn’t matter, she was good at what she did.

Type Three “Achievers” are extremely likable personality types. They have a way with words, a charm to themselves, which is always extremely alluring. Underneath it all, Type Threes are all about curating their image, because they believe looking good, and sounding good, validates their existence. Most people who habitually update their IG stories, aka influencers, are Type Threes. So are the incredibly hard-working businessmen and women who strive for promotions, so they can buy that fancy new car to show off to their friends how great they are. Some people strive to create first impressions. For a Type Three, that’s their everyday lifestyle.

Type Threes love to be loved. And yes, if you assumed that most politicians are Type Threes, you are 100% correct. E. Jean Carol loves attention, that’s for sure.

The horrible characteristic of unhealthy Type-Threes? Most, if not all, of the con artists out there, are Type-Threes. Bernie Madoff, Sam Bankman-Fried, and Ray Trapani, just to name a few. They can soundly sleep while they lie, steal, and cheat the public.

The question is whether or not E.Jean Carroll is an unhealthy Type three.

Well, we can answer this by determining if E.Jean Carroll is lying about her sexual assault encounter with President Trump. Here are the facts of the case. E. Jean Carrol said she was raped in the dressing room of the popular high-end fashion store, Bergdorf Goodman. No paparazzi, security cameras, or employees, could place Trump and Carroll in this public dressing room. E.Jean Carroll is not sure what year, month, or day she got raped. According to Carroll, for that minute, at that place, she was the most beautiful woman. She was 51 years old, and Trump wanted her to try on lingerie, but she couldn’t explain why both of them ended up in a dressing room.

I’ve been to Bergdorf before. This is a very busy department store, and there’s security everywhere, especially near dressing rooms, because they are scared of shoplifters. I am sure if someone were having sex, or getting raped in this dressing rooms, they would know.

But, we are to believe Trump raped this 51-year-old woman, who apparently had the eye of Trump. Why didn’t Trump just walk 30 seconds across the street and sleep with his beautiful wife, who was in her prime? Uhm, you tell me. 51-year-old woman versus hot wife.

According to E. Jean Carroll in a CNN interview, Trump could not have sex with Melania Trump, because she was pregnant with Barron Trump. When did the so-called rape happen, according to E. Jean? 1996 or 1995. When was Barron Trump born? March 20, 2006. What year did Trump meet Melania? 1998. What year did they get married? 2005.

E. Jean Carroll’s dates are off. But, wait, it gets better.

Trump was married to Marla Maples at that time. Was she pregnant with Tiffany Trump? No. Tiffany Trump was born in 1993.

Do you see where I’m going here? It’s very clear she’s lying. Not only is there no evidence of this lie and no witnesses, but her timeline doesn’t make any sense.

By the way, E.Jean Carrol accused Les Moonves of assaulting her in a hotel elevator, but she can’t remember the exact day, year, hour, minute, or even the hotel where it happened. Sound familiar? She remembered she was assaulted by Moonves in the 1990s after the “Me Too” movement went viral – and nothing more.

Is she conning us? I’ll let you decide. But as a storyteller, I can tell you that there are a lot of plotholes in her story, and it seems that her victimhood corresponds with the ongoing trend.

On an added note. I want to tell you that type 3s are usually horrible liars. They don’t take the time to truly craft a beautiful lie, one that is hard to disprove. This personality will depend more on their charm to cheat you out of your life savings. And they will try, with all their might, to convince you not to investigate their story. The Type Three will want your loyalty. According to them, the debate is over. Trust them. Don’t question them. Don’t investigate.

By the way, as I write this, a Federal Judge has ruled that President Trump owes E. Jean Carrol $84 million for questioning her character and her story, and denying her allegations. The Judge wants the public to accept the narrative, without question, that Trump is guilty of rape. Murderers are allowed to publicly defend themselves, along with terrorists. Why must they silence Trump? Hmm…

Wanna spot a con? Well, you just have to be willing to look past their smile and research a little, just a bit below the surface, of the story they are trying to tell. It doesn’t take much digging.

Steve Young

Steve Young

I go by either "Steven" or "Steve" it really doesn't matter. I'm not a professional screenwriter anymore, so there's no need to suck up to me and send me your latest script. I have zero ambition to work in the entertainment industry. I'm now just a regular guy who knows a bit about storytelling, wants to share that knowledge to inspire new writers, and to share my work with everyone!
Steve Young