Enneagram: Type One "Reformer" / RANDOM THOUGHTS



Now – It’s extremely difficult to have a conversation with anyone who is triggered by the former President of the United States. I have friends – let me correct that – I’ve HAD friends, that told me that the President was a crook, a rapist, untalented, a liar, a white supremacist, who wanted to use the Oval Office to enrich himself and his family.

Of course, that didn’t match my point of view, “How do you know he’s – all of this?” I’d ask.

They’d wave their arms – screaming, “Don’t you watch the news? Steve! I thought you were smarter than this!”

So, I watched the news. This was back in the 2014s when the world was just a tad bit more sane (when men couldn’t give birth). And, what did the news preach? Basically, that Trump was a living satan. What proof did they have? Nothing.

I took a hard look at all of the allegations against Trump, from the pornstar allegations, to the Russian collusion theories, to the accusations of rape, to the hot mic moments, to the ____________(insert offensive remark here). It really didn’t make much sense to me, from a logical standpoint. If Donald Trump was the antagonist of the world, why was it only coming to fruition – now? Just before Trump ran for office, he was a hit on TV. It seemed as though every budding entrepreneur wanted to be on The Apprentice. Trump was Oprah, in movies, on Saturday Night Live, and constantly on the news, and no one realized that he was the anti-christ. Or maybe they did, and they all just covered it up and turned a blind eye to his transgressions.

In 1988 Oprah was rather tickled when she asked Trump if he would run for President. When he did run in 2014, she had a much different opinion of Trump, even though his viewpoint from 1988 to now, didn’t change.

So what did change?

Donald Trump ran as a Republican. And, he ran against the establishment. And that triggered the Democrat loyalist.

It was around this time in our country when professional psychologists were coming out of the woodwork, and declaring Trump unfit to serve as the President.

“Trump is a psychopath, a narcissist, and a sociopath!” they would all scream without sitting the President on their chair.

Those who evaluated Trump using the Enneagram, would routinely classify Trump as an unhealthy Type Eight “Challenger.” Unhealthy Challengers are like the characters Wolverine or Dead Pool, who use power to force their agenda. Rules don’t really matter to Type “Eights,” they are more like guidelines.

I did not agree with their assessment. I still don’t.

What was my conclusion? That President Trump was a Type One “Reformer.”

Now, of course, my opinion of President Trump’s personality type could be wrong, I accept that. But before you dismiss my point-of-view, and click elsewhere, hear me out.

There are at least nine basic personality types out there. And, within those 9 basic personality types, there are literally thousands of variants of each one. Trump isn’t a Type Two “Helper” because he’s not the generous type, and not one who gives with a string attached. He’s not a Type Three “Achiever” because he’s not obsessed with what others think of him. If he did care what people thought of him, he wouldn’t be a Republican, and he would change his opinion whichever way the wind would blow. He’s definitely not a Type “Four” because he’s very secure in who he is as a person. Type Fives “Intellects” are introverted geniuses – yeah, definitely not him. Type Seven “Enthusiasts” are on a constant adventure. Trump seems to prefer settling down. Let’s skip eight for now and go straight to the nine “peacemaker.” Peacemakers cower in the face of conflict – that’s definitely not Trump.

So, back to the eight. A lot of people who analyze personality types utilizing the Enneagram, usually come to the conclusion that if someone intimidates them, then that person may be an eight. Now, that’s actually pretty accurate, because 9 times out of 10, it would probably work. But the question is, “How is that person intimidating you?” For this exercise, we can always have fun with dialogue.

For this scene, let’s write Donald Trump as a Type 8 and Type 1. Let’s have him convince you to cut carbs.

DT AS A TYPE 8: You’re gonna cut carbs now, tomorrow, and every day until you get to the weight you want!

DT AS A TYPE 1: Hey, so cutting carbs will help you lose a little around the waist. Believe me. I’ve done it a few times, and it worked for me. I was beautiful. I tell you – I never looked so beautiful in my life.

Donald Trump’s dialogue is simplistic, yet quite elegant with words. He may be intimidating, but he doesn’t come directly do you like an eight.

Also, this may surprise the liberals reading my assessment. Trump is actually a rule follower, than a rule breaker. Therefore, in my book, he’s a Type One and not a Type Eight. Eights break rules, they push the envelope. Trump pretty much stays in his lane.

The Democrats weaponized the FBI, and the powers of Congress, in an attempt to kick Trump out of the White House. They weaponized COVID to change the way votes were counted. They killed the true story of Joe Biden’s corrupt dealings in Ukraine, to paint him in the best light. Now, they are weaponizing our justice system, to keep Trump off the ballot. In all honesty, from my perspective, it looks as though the Democrats are led by Type 8’s, who will DO anything to hold onto power – and Type 3’s, who will SAY anything to hold onto power. They are definitely not Type Ones. And – if you’re wondering, a lot of their followers are Type 6 loyalists, who will believe anything their leaders say, and will follow their leaders, such as Nancy Pelosi or AOC, to the grave.

Other evidence that Trump is a Type One? Well, he doesn’t drink any alcohol because his brother died of alcoholism. That’s a moral commitment. Don Jr. tells stories of his father telling his kids to make sure they come to work on the weekends, because it’s the right thing to do. He’s extremely picky, anal-retentive. Oh, and let’s not forget, that he loves to debate. Trump has also sacrificed a lot of his wealth to run for office. Unlike other Presidents, he hasn’t gotten richer from being the President. Life for him, and his family, would have been a lot better if he didn’t run for office.

But he had to run, because he believed he was the only one who could fix this country.

And that’s a Type One.

Yes, Trump is morally driven. You may disagree with his morals. But that’s what powers this man.

Steve Young

Steve Young

I go by either "Steven" or "Steve" it really doesn't matter. I'm not a professional screenwriter anymore, so there's no need to suck up to me and send me your latest script. I have zero ambition to work in the entertainment industry. I'm now just a regular guy who knows a bit about storytelling, wants to share that knowledge to inspire new writers, and to share my work with everyone!
Steve Young