2020 GRADE A MOVIES / Enneagram: Type Four "Individualist"

THE REAL STORY OF PARIS HILTON (Quick Review + Character Study)


This will be just a quick review because I really want to just start dissecting Paris Hilton’s personality.   If you have not seen this documentary, you should.  The movie is well made and unbelievably honest given that it’s made by the person under the microscope.  

If you think you know the whole story of Paris Hilton you don’t.    Behind the instgram pics, the bright smiles, and sexy persona, exist a very complicated broken woman who desperately wants to find herself.

Don’t expect a happy story with this documentary.  This is Paris is a tragedy.  And the horrors you will find out about Provo Canyon School are disturbing.

It’s worth a watch and probably one of the best documentaries of the year.

There are spoilers from here on out, so stop reading if you want to avoid learning about the movie.



Well, I want to start out by saying that I always believed Paris Hilton was a genius.  I would often get mocked for saying so, and honestly didn’t care.  Paris Hilton is not only a model, but a DJ, a TV producer, an author, owner of a motorcycle team, a mobile app designer, owns a fragrance and footwear line – and that’s just to name a few of her accomplishments.  She has made over 100 million dollars on her own.   This is the resume of an accomplished woman, not the clueless girl she portrayed on The Simple Life.

So just who is Paris Hilton?

Let’s use the Enneagram to point us in the right direction.

On the surface, she looks like an obvious Type Three Over-Achiever.   Type Three’s are your image-oriented winners – think Tony Stark.  They look good and win good.  And they don’t get on the winner’s podium by being lazy, but by overworking themselves.   This would Paris Hilton’s to a “T,” but she’s a bit more complicated.

Through Hilton’s documentary, you find out that Paris Hilton has major trust issues and suffers from fears of abandonment.   This would fit the personality type of a Type Six Loyalist, and I believe many would have jumped to this conclusion.   But Paris is not paranoid, is not seeking out groups to be part of (such as a gang, a church, or political party), and she doesn’t have a habit of destroying what she fears.  She also has a good relationship with her parents, despite the role they played in sending her to behavior camps that abused and drugged her.   So while she does have abandonment issues, it is not the foundation of where she operates from  She just deals with it and pushes on.

I ask again, who is Paris Hilton?

My best guess is that Paris Hilton is a Type Four Individualist with a strong Three Achiever Wing.

Fours, by nature, are on the constant journey to find themselves, to find their meaning, their place in this world.   They live with a constant hole in their life, and no amount of money, no amount of love, can fill that void unless they find their purpose.  Fours will often create false extreme identities to often cast them further out from the world, while using those same identities to bond with it.   For example, many people who modify their bodies with hundreds of piercings, are often Type Fours.  They find their place in our society, by casting themselves further away from society. And, in a strange way, when they say to the world “F-You!” it’s their way of saying “Accept me!”

Hilton had many of these “F-You World” moments in her life.

Not surprisingly, below that fake surface, is usually the exact opposite of who they actually are.  Behind a person whose face is filled with metal, you will often find someone who may treat their look as a career, and that’s what you have with Paris Hilton.

Paris Hilton is not the girl that showed up on The Simple Life, that didn’t know how to mop a floor.   That was an act.   She’s not a woman who is obsessed with fashion and glamour.   Paris is very much, a Tom Boy at heart.   The high pitched baby voice isn’t even real as her real voice is low.

There is the “Brand” of Paris that is marketed to us.

And then there is the real Paris – the damaged, workaholic (Three Wing), loveless, success obsessed (three wing) female that only a few know.

If you’re wondering where growth comes for a Type Four, it actually happens when they finally find a purpose greater than themselves.   Fours can be unbelievably selfish because they always feel that they need to fix themselves, before helping anyone else.   This is why you often hear contestants, who are Type Fours, on talent shows saying they want to change the world – through their music.   

Once this personality type establishes a strong purpose that can serve as a foundation, then, and only then, can the Type Four start to grow.  In a way, this “kinda” works out for celebrities who are Type Fours, who love to use their celebrity as platforms.  


On a sidenote, I just wanted to comment about the literal assholes out there who have attacked Paris. Most of it stems from her support for President Trump, some of it from the color of her skin and assocation with the Hilton Hotels (aka White Privilidge, aka racism against Whites). If you leave those comments on this review, they will be deleted immediately.

Steve Young

Steve Young

I go by either "Steven" or "Steve" it really doesn't matter. I'm not a professional screenwriter anymore, so there's no need to suck up to me and send me your latest script. I have zero ambition to work in the entertainment industry. I'm now just a regular guy who knows a bit about storytelling, wants to share that knowledge to inspire new writers, and to share my work with everyone!
Steve Young