From beginning to end, this was entertaining.  I may even buy the movie.  In fact, I’ll make the executive decision to do so, right now.  I will buy this stream when it becomes available.

So, let’s get straight into the review.  There are zero spoilers here, so read on without any fear.


Sonic made the headlines when it’s initial trailers hit the theaters.  And well, to put it lightly, not many cared for Sonic’s new look.  It didn’t share any characteristics of the Sega video game hero we came to enjoy, and it just looked weird.   Like a litte blue sasquach or something.  Surprisingly, the producers did something I’ve never seen before, they listened to the fans.  The producers delayed the preimier, then the creative team went back to the drawing board and reanimated Sonic, close to canon, and in the end, the fans were more than happy.


I usually never grade the producers here, but they need to get a lot of credit here.




Directing integrated animation is one tough cookie.  Remember, actors here are more than likely interacting with a stuffed animal, marker, or some dude in a green suit, and the only person who really knows how this scene will look like is the director.   Communication to the actors, the crew, and post-production animation team, needs to be flawless.

Also, I have to say, letting Jim Carey be Jim Carey was great.  Finally, we got to see a movie where his comedic talents were allowed to shine.



The script was very good.   None of the characters were flat, the jokes were not cheesy or stale, the conflict was believable.  Best of all, this was a script that was written perfectly for both adults and children.   How many movies can both parents and kids enjoy watching?  Not many.  


SONIC THE HEDGEHOG: Unhealthy Type Seven “Enthusiast”

You’ll know when you encounter a Type Seven “Enthusiast” in your life.  They can’t stay still and want to soak up everything life has to offer.  There isn’t a vacation or adventure they can’t turn down.  Settling down is never a priority.   Running to the next life experience always takes priority.  

Unhealthy Type Seven’s have a problem of running from their problems, rather than focusing on them.

I have yet to write about the Type Seven.

SHIERFF TOM WACHOWSKI: Healthy Type Two “Helper”

Shierff Wachowski wasn’t only the town Shierff, he compulsively helped everyone and everything in the town.  Whether or not it was animals crossing the road, changing tires, or helping farmers deliver baby cows, he was there to lend a helping hand.  And when Sonic came knocking for help, he couldn’t refuse.

The Shierff is an example of  Healthy Type Two, as he gives without wanting anything back in return.

You can read more about Type Twos here.

DR. ROBOTNIK: Unhealthy Type “Eight” Challenger

Challengers are typically natural-born leaders because their personalities are extremely forceful and intimidating. They are not charismatic or likable, but “in your face” like a drill sergeant. They may also look like Type Five Intellect because they can be highly intelligent and seem introverted, as they enjoy time by themselves. But unlike Type Fives, their first reaction to conflict is to not cower or study, it’s to confront and attack.

In real life, General Patton would be a great example of this type of personality. In the fictional world, Wolverine and Deadpool would be spot-on representations.

Dr. Robotnik was power-hungry and nothing would stop his mission to find Sonic. He broke every rule, bent every law.

I have yet to write about the Type Eight “Challenger,” but when I get to it, I’ll make sure to link it.


I wouldn’t say this a “must-see” movie, but it’s great for the kids and their parents. I actually think this is one of those flics that kids would play over-and-over until you want to jump off the building, haha.


Steve Young

Steve Young

I go by either "Steven" or "Steve" it really doesn't matter. I'm not a professional screenwriter anymore, so there's no need to suck up to me and send me your latest script. I have zero ambition to work in the entertainment industry. I'm now just a regular guy who knows a bit about storytelling, wants to share that knowledge to inspire new writers, and to share my work with everyone!
Steve Young