Zombieland 2: Extremely Fun!

There are no spoilers in this review. And I don’t want to dissect anything too much because I don’t want to spoil it. Let’s just say, throughout the entire movie, I laughed at the same time feared that the crew was going to die. And one of them, oh man – well, I don’t want to say! But you have to see it!

If you didn’t see the first Zombieland, you’re going to have to watch it. Of course, it’s not for the kids.

What’s refreshing is that the storyline is new. It’s not the same old storyline, revamped, with a generic plot to fool us; like what Ghostbusters 2 is to Ghostbusters 1. I hope they make Zombieland 3. There’s a lot of story left on the table!

After a few months when the movie exits the theater I’ll do a Maverick review and breakdown the movie with spoilers.


Steve Young

Steve Young

I go by either "Steven" or "Steve" it really doesn't matter. I'm not a professional screenwriter anymore, so there's no need to suck up to me and send me your latest script. I have zero ambition to work in the entertainment industry. I'm now just a regular guy who knows a bit about storytelling, wants to share that knowledge to inspire new writers, and to share my work with everyone!
Steve Young