MAVERICK REVIEW: Captive State is NOT Captivating (Spoilers)

I would pass on this movie – maybe even run.

Maybe you can wait for Netflix – maybe HBO. It’s not a movie that you want to fork over fifteen dollars for. I wouldn’t even watch this for free if I really think about it. The only reason why I saw this movie was because I had to review one this week for my website.

There’s not much to like about Captive State other than, hmm, curiosity. I kept asking myself, “How are they going to wrap things up cleanly and creatively at the end? Because they’re really running out of time.”

Well, the answer is that they didn’t. The movie ends without a resolution.

And that’s just one of the main problems with Captive State. It’s one long drawn out 1st Act of a potentially good script. There’s no 2nd Act, no interesting subplot that ties everything together. And, there is absolutely no 3rd Act. So if you’re looking for humanity to take a stand in some type of iconic Alien vs. Ripley fight, you’re barking up the wrong tree.

This movie ends with William Mulligan, played by John Goodman, taking a utility elevator, deep under the earth to meet the aliens. That’s what you wait 1 hr and 49 minutes for. And you don’t even get to see the leader at all! Not even a silhouette. It’s a snap to credit scene from there.


Aliens invade the earth and World Governments, fearing annihilation, lay down their weapons and turn over all authority to them. The Aliens don’t look human. They are tall and have skinny oversized limbs. No head, hands, or feet. They are covered from head to toe with long black rag doll hair, which can turn into porcupine needles for defense. The Aliens are here to drain earth of its natural resources. And if you just play by their socialists’ rules, everything will be okay. They won’t attack your family, won’t attack your city, you can even still have your pro sports. They won’t even take your job. If you don’t have one, like a good socialist, they’ll provide you one. All they want to do is mine the planet and be called “The Legislators.” By the way, I think they do all the mining without increasing their carbon footprint. Maybe they’ll even make the Bears win.

It sounds like these Aliens are okay, right?

But apparently, it’s not okay for a handful of insurgents. And that’s what the movie is about – the insurgents, the resistance, and how they hatched “part one” of a brilliant plan to kill the Aliens. You don’t get to see “part two” of that brilliant plan. The movie runs out of time.

So, this entire premise just gets an F from me.

The writers are just not thinking and trying to integrate reality into fiction. The backdrop for this movie is in Chicago. You’re telling me that the gangs in Chicago will give up their guns willfully? And that the only gun the good guys have is one short pistol six-shooter? And there’s only one six-shooter in all of Chicago? Are you kidding me? That’s really realistic, isn’t it?

I have an idea. Wouldn’t it be great to see a group of insurgents made up of rival gangs in Chicago, working together with government officials, to get rid of these aliens? Enemies turned partners for the greater good? Nope, you get none of that.

Then there’s the fact that I’m to believe that the United States Military didn’t try to kill these aliens. The aliens confiscated our guns, apparently, they know it can hurt them. Where’re all the nukes, our fighter jets, our US soldiers? There wasn’t one U.S. Solider or Policeman, that was against these aliens. Am I sensing a bit of an agenda there with these writers? hmmm…

And I want to repeat, where is the real threat from these Aliens? They’re not enslaving the human race. In fact, there’s no gang violence in Chicago. They are doing a better job than the mayor at fighting crime!


One of the biggest secrets of storytelling is “secrets.” It’s usually a pretty good idea to have the audience figure out what the hell is going on. But there comes a point where the audience throws up their hands and says “WTF?” For this movie, you really don’t know what the hell is going on until the 2nd to the last scene in the movie! I mean, really – come on. WTF?

The movie survives without really a main character. You’re just getting introduced to other insurgents throughout the movie. It’s long ass 1st Act.


The characters are not well developed at all. There’s not even a single dimension to any character that I can even attempt to try to interpret.


I almost dozed off in this movie. That’s how bad it was. I did go to the bathroom, walked, and didn’t run. I came back and new exactly what was going on. You know that’s a bad sign.


Steve Young

Steve Young

I go by either "Steven" or "Steve" it really doesn't matter. I'm not a professional screenwriter anymore, so there's no need to suck up to me and send me your latest script. I have zero ambition to work in the entertainment industry. I'm now just a regular guy who knows a bit about storytelling, wants to share that knowledge to inspire new writers, and to share my work with everyone!
Steve Young