M. Night Sucks, nuff said.

After watching this atrocity, I’m pretty much convinced that M. Night Shyamalan should be banned from making movies. I was really looking forward to Glass. Unbreakable was a good movie, and Split was so-so; I really wanted to see where this movie was going to go. But from the minute Glass started, it started going downhill – fast. By the way, this review has zero spoilers, but I’ll write one with spoilers to explain how insanely dumb this movie is.

Everything from the storyline, to the dialogue, to the character motivations, were horrible. Easy to fill logical loopholes were big enough to fit a solar system through. (Why were they there? Just fill the holes!)The final fight scene between “The Beast” and the “Unbreakable” guy, was so poorly choreographed and disappointing, I literally rolled my eyes. Oh, and the entire storyline, from beginning to end, I guess it was supposed to be “genius,” but it’s low I.Q. writing.

Oh yeah, the movie was remarkably boring as well. I almost dozed off a few times.

I keep asking myself, why does Hollywood keep giving this man movie deals when he keeps producing crap like this? It’s as though he switched off common sense when he wrote this screenplay. Do you remember Signs? They had this one huge hole, that aliens mastered intergalactic travel, but couldn’t open a door in a home built in 1900’s? Are you freaking serious? Idiotic moments like this are everywhere in Glass.

If it wasn’t for the good actors, I would probably give this movie a solid F. Don’t waste your money on this movie. Wait for Netflix or Hulu to carry it – that’s if they feel like licensing it.


Steve Young

Steve Young

I go by either "Steven" or "Steve" it really doesn't matter. I'm not a professional screenwriter anymore, so there's no need to suck up to me and send me your latest script. I have zero ambition to work in the entertainment industry. I'm now just a regular guy who knows a bit about storytelling, wants to share that knowledge to inspire new writers, and to share my work with everyone!
Steve Young